Climate Change: A New Threat to South Africa’s Rhinos

Here at Aquila’s Animal Rescue Centre (ARC), we dedicate ourselves to the welfare of all wildlife, including the majestic rhino. But a recent study published in The Conversation, highlighted by Primedia and KFM, has thrown a stark challenge our way: Southern Africa’s rhinos could face extinction in national parks by 2085 if the worst-case climate […]

Save the Rhino, Africa’s Keystone Species

For millions of years, rhinos have been iconic inhabitants of Africa’s grasslands and Savannah plains. However, over the past century, poaching, trophy hunting, and misguided beliefs in the medicinal properties of their horns, has driven these magnificent Big 5 animals to the brink of extinction. Yet, rhinos are not just charismatic megafauna; they are keystone […]

New Life at Inverdoorn Sparks Hope for Rhino Conservation

New Life at Inverdoorn Sparks Hope for Rhino Conservation Cape Town, May 02, 2022 In a heartwarming turn of events, Inverdoorn Private Game Reserve, part of the Aquila Collection, experienced a moment of hope following the latest poaching tragedy. Back in December 2021, a devastating poaching incident resulted in the deaths of four white rhino, […]