Orphaned Rhino Calf
Rhino Orphanage
Aquila’s Animal Rescue Centre (ARC) and Saving Private Rhino (SPR) are at the forefront of anti-poaching and Rhino rescue initiatives across Africa.
A tragic result of rhino poaching is the abandonment and orphaning of rhino calves. ARC’s establishment of the rhino orphanage and “Orphaned Rhino Calf Initiative” is a core component of our continued efforts to protect and rescue rhinos in South Africa. Learn more about savingprivaterhino.org
The Orphaned Rhino Initiative
This orphaned rhino initiative has become increasingly important as the rise in poaching incidents has sadly left many rhino calves in dire need of 24 hour care and emergency support.
Recently, a desperate situation unfolded at Aquila Private Game Reserve, where the birth of a third baby rhino in just three months resulted in the calf being rejected by its mother, leading to serious dehydration concerns and urgent medical attention.
Our rhino orphanage remains committed to providing specialised care and support to these vulnerable baby rhinos, who often are left traumatised and severely injured as a result of poaching.
Help Us Rescue Orphaned Rhino Calves
Continuous support and donations from the public are needed to sustain and expand this critical but expensive endeavour. Your donations can help make a significant difference in safeguarding the future of these magnificent animals, supporting their journey to a healthier and safer life at Aquila’s Animal Rescue Centre.